Convegno sulle grandi navi nel Maine

Segnaliamo con piacere l'organizzazione di un convegno nello splendido Museo Marittimo di Bath, nel Maine, sede di alcuni dei cantieri navali più importanti della storia degli Stati Uniti. Di seguito, la presentazione:

People associated with the Museum frequently are heard to say that the six mast schooner Wyoming (built at the Percy & Small shipyard, now part of the Museum) was the largest wooden vessel built in the US, or just the largest wooden vessel, period. How do people from other parts feel about this? What vessels are the Wyoming’s competitors? We will also have speakers from the shipbuilding and shipping industry talking about how the largest ships today are built and sailed. In odd moments we will have an open microphone for scholars and students to briefly mention work they have in progress or recently finished.

Qui, il programma completo degli interventi


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