Una Master school in Maritime Archaeology all'Università di Bournemouth
L'Università di Bournemouth (a circa 150 km da Londra, sul Canale della Manica) organizza per il prossimo anno, a partire da ottobre, un'interessante Master School in Maritime Archaeology.
Riporto per coloro ai quali può interessare la cosa, la comunicazione comparsa sul sito dell'Università .
Nella foto a lato si vede il bellissimo campus della University of Bournemouth in cui si svolgerà il corso.
This course focuses on the principles and practice of maritime archaeology of all periods up to the 20th century within the broader international context. With climate change creating long term alterations in the marine environment, this will be the first taught course internationally to include units that address this issue. 
Maritime archaeology has been an active research theme within the School since the autumn of 2001. Since the formation of what is now the Marine Archaeology Research Group in 2003, staff within the Group have brought an international reputation with them. The Group is currently engaged in research on many of England’s Designated Historic Wreck sites. The course also taps into the range of expertise from the Centre for Archaeology, Anthropology & Heritage.
Designated sites BU students have worked on in the past include: Salcombe ‘B’ (a middle Bronze site that provides evidence of early contacts with the Mediterranean), Salcombe Cannon Site (the wreck of a 17th century vessel and one of the most spectacular wrecks found in UK waters), and the Erme Ingot Site (a site with tentative connections with Diodorus 1st century BC reference to south west Britain’s tin trade). Most work is currently undertaken on the 17th century Swash Channel Wreck (the extensive remains of a very large high status ship whose exact character is yet to be determined).
The course consists of 5 units plus a Personal Research Project (Dissertation). The aim of the course is to develop the skills and initial experience required to undertake maritime archaeology in the field and/or prepare them for further study. Key skills taught during the course, such as project management and analytical skills, are widely transferable to a range of disciplines.
Students experience a wide variety of learning and teaching methods including maritime archaeology practicals, lectures, workshops, seminars, field trips and individual tutorials. Hands-on experience of analytical techniques and tools, Information Technology skills and a professional approach underpin the course. Methods of assessment are also varied and address theoretical issues, practical problems and tasks likely to be encountered in the professional environment. Coursework will include analysis of shipwreck assemblages, production of professionally-structured reports, essays, oral presentations (in individual or group contexts), practical identification tests and the preparation of specialist assessments and reports based on the student’s own analysis of materials. From this blend of assessment styles, students gain the confidence and skills to flourish in their chosen profession.
The School has a strong research-active academic community with collaborative links to other academic and professional institutions overseas and in the UK. It is part of European Union funded schemes such as Socrates- Erasmus, Tempus and Leonardo adding to the cultural diversity of the School and providing opportunities for overseas study.
The course is fully supported by extensive technical and scientific facilities available within the School of Conservation Sciences. These include dedicated research and analytical laboratories, with a wide range of instrumentation including an X-ray facility and Scanning Electron Microscope, workshops and layout rooms, a GIS and spatial information suite, map library and a postgraduate student computer laboratory.
In addition, the School is fully equipped for undertaking archaeological diving operations in accordance with the UK’s Health and Safety Executives Diving at Work Regulations 1997 and has an extensive equipment base dedicated to the support of archaeological operations in the inter-tidal and marine zone.
In accordance with regulation 7(1) of the UK's Diving at Work Regulations 1997 (S.I. 2776) BU is registered to act as a diving contractor and is a World Underwater Federation (CMAS) Scientific Diving Centre.

Maritime archaeology has been an active research theme within the School since the autumn of 2001. Since the formation of what is now the Marine Archaeology Research Group in 2003, staff within the Group have brought an international reputation with them. The Group is currently engaged in research on many of England’s Designated Historic Wreck sites. The course also taps into the range of expertise from the Centre for Archaeology, Anthropology & Heritage.
Designated sites BU students have worked on in the past include: Salcombe ‘B’ (a middle Bronze site that provides evidence of early contacts with the Mediterranean), Salcombe Cannon Site (the wreck of a 17th century vessel and one of the most spectacular wrecks found in UK waters), and the Erme Ingot Site (a site with tentative connections with Diodorus 1st century BC reference to south west Britain’s tin trade). Most work is currently undertaken on the 17th century Swash Channel Wreck (the extensive remains of a very large high status ship whose exact character is yet to be determined).
The course consists of 5 units plus a Personal Research Project (Dissertation). The aim of the course is to develop the skills and initial experience required to undertake maritime archaeology in the field and/or prepare them for further study. Key skills taught during the course, such as project management and analytical skills, are widely transferable to a range of disciplines.
Students experience a wide variety of learning and teaching methods including maritime archaeology practicals, lectures, workshops, seminars, field trips and individual tutorials. Hands-on experience of analytical techniques and tools, Information Technology skills and a professional approach underpin the course. Methods of assessment are also varied and address theoretical issues, practical problems and tasks likely to be encountered in the professional environment. Coursework will include analysis of shipwreck assemblages, production of professionally-structured reports, essays, oral presentations (in individual or group contexts), practical identification tests and the preparation of specialist assessments and reports based on the student’s own analysis of materials. From this blend of assessment styles, students gain the confidence and skills to flourish in their chosen profession.
The School has a strong research-active academic community with collaborative links to other academic and professional institutions overseas and in the UK. It is part of European Union funded schemes such as Socrates- Erasmus, Tempus and Leonardo adding to the cultural diversity of the School and providing opportunities for overseas study.
The course is fully supported by extensive technical and scientific facilities available within the School of Conservation Sciences. These include dedicated research and analytical laboratories, with a wide range of instrumentation including an X-ray facility and Scanning Electron Microscope, workshops and layout rooms, a GIS and spatial information suite, map library and a postgraduate student computer laboratory.
In addition, the School is fully equipped for undertaking archaeological diving operations in accordance with the UK’s Health and Safety Executives Diving at Work Regulations 1997 and has an extensive equipment base dedicated to the support of archaeological operations in the inter-tidal and marine zone.
In accordance with regulation 7(1) of the UK's Diving at Work Regulations 1997 (S.I. 2776) BU is registered to act as a diving contractor and is a World Underwater Federation (CMAS) Scientific Diving Centre.
il tuo blog é bellissimo!!!!i miei complimenti per il tuo lavoro, sono sinceri e non scherzo, se ti posso aiutare in qualche modo, non hai che da chiedere!
RispondiEliminadavvero complimenti e ti auguro con tutto il cuore di continuare!
un abbraccio
Anna Basile
PS: solo una nota negativa: nella foto sembri un ricercato talebano!!!!
Grazie! Mi fa devvero moltissimo piacere che questo archeo-blog ti piaccia, anche se effettivamente hai ragione: forse dovrei cambiare la foto !
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Grazie ancora dei complimenti,
un abbraccio e in bocca al lupo per tutto :)
Michele Stefanile