Navigare necesse est. Congresso DEGUWA a Manching, dal 15 marzo
Sarà Manching, nel cuore della Baviera, la sede destinata ad ospitare dal prossimo 15 marzo il congresso annuale DEGUWA (Deutsche Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Unterwasserarchäologie), destinato a storici ed archeologi subacquei di tutta Europa. La piccola località bavarese, sviluppatasi sui resti di un insediamento celtico e poi romano, è stata selezionata per il suo ricco patrimonio archeologico; tra le evidenze più interessanti messe in luce negli ultimi anni, il 'pezzo forte' è sicuramente rappresentato dalla coppia di navi militari, rinvenute nel distretto di Oberstimm, dove le legioni di Roma avevano un accampamento stabile. Il più grande tesoro di oro dei Celti mai scoperto al mondo è invece un residuo dei precedenti abitatori della regione.
Il congresso 2013 sarà concentrato sulle tematiche legate al rifornimento di cibo, armi e beni per Roma e per i suoi territori. Riportiamo di seguito il programma dettagliato degli interventi.
Maggiori informazioni possono essere recuperate dal sito degli organizzatori
Navigare necesse est, vivere non est necesse*
- The providing of Rome and its provinces with food, commodities and soldiers.
Logistics of the Roman Empire and the Roman fleets -
Sa. 16.3.2013
Academic Part: Lectures I
Session 1: Early period (Roman Kingdom) and Roman Republic
Clarissa Belardelli: Die überfluteten und an der Küste gelegenen Plätze frühgeschichtlicher Zeit nördlich Roms.
(The drowned and coastal places of the early period north of Rome.)
Julia Daum: Pyrgi und seine Nachbarn – Der Wandel der tyrrhenischen Häfen in etruskisch-römischer Zeit.
(Pyrgi and his neighbours - The change of Tyrrhenic harbours in the Etruscan-Roman period.)
Jonas Enzmann: The shift of trade routes across the English Channel during the Roman expansion in Western Europe.
Michele Stefanile: Lead ingot cargoes from Carthago Nova to Rome. Some remarks on the presence of people from Campania in the exploitation of Iberian mines.
Justin Leidwanger: Integrating an Empire: Maritime Trade and Agricultural Supply in Roman Cyprus.
Constantin Müller: Ägyptisches Getreide für Rom. Nahrungs- und Machtquelle.
(Egyptian grain for Rome. Resource of food and power.)
Session 2: Early and Middle Roman Iron Age
Massimo Capulli: Ships of Aquileia. Underwater Archaeological Research for the study of marine and inside routes in the Upper Adriatic Sea.
Jean-Yves Blot – Sonia Bombico: Historical and marine context of a Ceramics assemblage in a Shipwreck at Cortiçais (Peniche, Portugal): a glimpse into the early Imperial Roman Atlantic trade.
Gil Gambash: Caesarea Maritima and the Grand Strategy of the Roman Empire.
Octavian Bounegru: Roman transport schips in the Marcomanic Wars on the Lower Danube limes.
Session 3: Late Roman Iron Age and Late Antiquity
Thomas Schmidts: Die gallischen Schiffseigner und der römische Staat.
(The Gallic ship owners and the Roman state.)
Igor Mihajlović: Sutivan, a Roman period shipwreck with cargo of sarcophagi and stone.
Norbert Hanel – Peter Rothenhöfer – Michael Bode – Andreas Hauptmann:Britannisches Blei auf dem Weg nach Rom – Die Metallversorgung der Metropole am Beginn der Herrschaft des L. Septimius Severus.
(Britannic plumb on the way to Rome – The provision of the metropolis with metal at the beginning of the rule of L. Septimus Severus.)
Evening presentation
Ronald Bockius: Warenarten und Ladekapazitäten. Überlegungen zu den Besonderheiten römischer Handelsschiffe im Mittelmeer und den römischen Provinzen.
21:00 Reception at the foyer of the kelten römer museum manching
So. 17.3.2013
Academic Part: Lectures II
Session 3: Late Roman Iron Age and Late Antiquity (Continued)
Katerina Dellaporta: SYRNA I : a III c. AD coins shipwreck.
Igor Miholjek, Luka Maljić: The Shallows of Lučnjak: An Adriatic Shipwrecking Point through the Centuries.
Martina Čechová: Food-supply from Tauric Cherson in Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages: Products and Transportation.
Session 4: Current studies and miscellanea
Vesna Zmaik: Medieval Byzantine shipwrecks in the Eastern Adriatic.
Paul Montgomery: The post medieval maritime intertidal landscapes of Lough Swilly and Lough Foyle.
Mike Belasus: Das Pilotprojekt “Bedrohtes Bodenarchiv Nordsee”.
(The pilot scheme “Threatened bottom - archive North Sea“)
Massimiliano Ditta: Ships in the third dimension: A low-cost approach to three-dimensional recording in maritime archaeology.
Eva Kareli: Reconstructing the Bremen Eke.
Leon Ziemer: Vom Seeungeheuer verfolgt? Zwischen Fiktion und Realität der Gefahr zu hoher See.
(Chased by a sea monster? Between fiction and reality of danger at sea.)
Closing words
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