International Journal of Maritime History XXV 1 2013
Segnaliamo l'uscita di un nuovo numero dell'International Journal of Maritime History (XXV - 1 - 2013), la rivista pubblicata due volte l'anno (quattro, dal 2014) dall'IMEHA (International Maritime Economic History Association)
dedicato in gran parte alla storia marittima moderna e contemporanea.
Di seguito riportiamo l'indice dei contributi:
Patrick Manning, “Global History and Maritime History” / 1
Robert Lee, “The Seafarers’ Urban World: A Critical Review” / 23
Martin Wilcox, “The ‘Poor Decayed Seamen’ of Greenwich Hospital, 1705-1763” / 65
Marta García Garralón, “The Seamen of the Indies Trade and the University of Seafarers of Seville” / 91
Helen Doe, “Power, Authority and Communications: The Role of the Master and the Managing Owner in Nineteenth-Century British Merchant Shipping” / 103
Manos Perakis, “Structural Shipping Transformation under Radical Political Changes on the Island of Crete, 1877-1913” / 127
Álvaro Aragón Ruano and Alberto Angulo Morales, “The Spanish Basque Country in Global Trade Networks in the Eighteenth Century” / 149
John Roger Owen, “‘Give Me a Light:’ The Development and Regulation of Ships’ Navigation Lights up to the Mid-1860s” / 173
Mikko Huhtamies, “The Mission: How Galley Expertise was Transferred from the Mediterranean to Eighteenth-Century Sweden” / 205
Charles H. Lagerbom, “Into the Breach: Maine-Built Ships of the Greenland Patrol” / 229
H.V. Bowen, “Introduction” / 239
Pepijn Brandon, “The Dutch Republic as a Contractor State” / 242
Stephen Conway, Richard Harding and Helen Paul, “Eighteenth-Century Britain: The Quintessential ‘Contractor State?’” / 248
A. González Encisco, R. Torres Sánchez and S. Solbes Ferri, “Eighteenth-Century Spain as a Contractor State” / 253
Joel Félix and Perrick Pourchasse, “France and the Contractor State” / 257
Maria Cristina Moreira, Margarida Vaz do Rego Machado and José Manuel Lopes Cordeiro, “The Portuguese Empire (1760-1815): The Contractor State in Peace and Wartime / 265
Roger Knight and Martin Wilcox, “The Contractor State: A Response” / 271
Janet J. Ewald; Diane Frost; Heide Gerstenberger; Heather Goodall; Tony Lane; Frances Steel; Laura Tabili; Marcel van der Linden and Matthias van Rossum, “Reviews of Gopalan Balachandran, Globalizing Labour? Indian Seafarers and World Shipping, c. 1870-1945” / 275
Gopalan Balachandran, “Globalizing Labour? Indian Seafarers and World Shipping, c. 1870-1945: A Roundtable Response” / 315
Himanshu Prabha Ray and Jean-Francois Salles (eds.), Tradition and Archaeology: Early Maritime Contacts in the Indian Ocean by Michael Pearson / 323
Radhika Seshan, Trade and Politics on the Coromandel Coast: Seventeenth and Early Eighteenth Centuries by Sebastian R. Prange / 324
Kurt Stenross, Madurese Seafarers: Prahus, Timber and Illegality on the Margins of the Indonesian State by J. Thomas Lindblad / 326
Claidhbh Ó Gibne, The Boyne Currach: From the Shadows of Newgrange by David A. Walker / 327
Edda Frankot, “Of Laws of Ships and Shipmen”: Medieval Maritime Law and Its Practice in Urban Northern Europe by Robin M. Ward / 328
Pierre Prétou and Denis Roland (eds.), Fureur et Cruauté des Capitaines en Mer by Thierry Drapeau / 330
Peter Borschberg, Hugo Grotius, the Portuguese, and Free Trade in the East Indies by Paul D. Buell / 331
Daniel Carey and Claire Jowitt (eds.), Richard Hakluyt and Travel Writing in Early Modern Europe by John C. Appleby / 333
René Tebel, Das Schiff im Kartenbild des Mittelalters und der Frühen Neuzeit. Kartographische Zeugnisse aus sieben Jahrhunderten als maritimhistorische Bildquellen by Richard W. Unger / 335
Nicole Hegener and Lars U. Scholl (eds.), Vom Anker zum Krähennest: Nautische Bildwelten von der Renaissance bis zum Zeitalter der Fotografie From the Anchor to the Crowsnest: Naval Imagery from the Renaissance to the Age of Photography by Irene B. Jacobs / 336
A.J. Hoving; Alan Lemmers (trans.), Nicolaes Witsen and Shipbuilding in the Dutch Golden Age by Ian Friel / 338
Ralph Davis, The Rise of the English Shipping Industry in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries by Christopher J. French / 340
Evan Jones, Inside the Illicit Economy: Reconstructing the Smugglers’ Trade of Sixteenth Century Bristol by Pauline Croft / 341
Karen Ordahl Kupperman, The Atlantic in World History and H.V. Bowen, Elizabeth Mancke, John G. Reid (eds.), Britain’s Oceanic Empire: Atlantic and Indian Ocean Worlds, c. 1550-1850 by Allan Dwyer / 342
Regina Grafe, Distant Tyranny: Markets, Power and Backwardness in Spain, 1650-1800 by Ernesto López Losa / 344
Niels Wiecker, Der iberische Atlantikhandel: Schiff sverkehr zwischen Spanien, Portugal und Iberoamerika, 1700-1800 by Erik Odegard / 348
Mirella Mafrici and Carmel Vassallo (eds.), Sguardi mediterranei tra Italia e Levante (XVII-XIX secolo) by Colin Heywood / 350
Andrea Mehrländer, Mit Kurs auf Charleston, S.C.: Kapitän Heinrich Wieting und die deutsche Auswanderung nach South Carolina im 19. Jahrhundert by Anton Hieke / 352
Michael Stammers, Emigrant Clippers to Australia: The Black Ball Line, Its Operation, People and Ships 1852-1871 by Adrian Jarvis / 354
Drew Keeling, The Business of Transatlantic Migration between Europe and the United States, 1900-1914. Mass Migration as a Transnational Business in Long Distance Travel by Raymond L. Cohn / 356
Pierre Camu, La Flotte Blanche: histoire de la Compagnie de Navigation du Richelieu et l’Ontario, 1845-1913 by Paul Adamthwaite / 357
Mark Denny, The Science of Navigation: From Dead Reckoning to GPS by W.F.J. Mörzer Bruyns / 359
Albrecht Sauer; Paul McColgan (trans.), Ihno Flessner (tech. advisor), Zeit Auf See: Chronometer und ihre Schöpfer. High-Tech aus drei Jahrhunderten by Alison Sandman / 360
Brian Dyde, This Glorious Profession: Vanished Times in Naval Hydrography by Bob Wilson / 362
Helmut W. Malnig, “... mit Kurs Nord!” Die Arktis-Expeditionen der k.u.k. Kriegsmarine von 1871-1892 und ihr Ausklang by Reinhard Huxmann / 363
Rorke Bryan, Ordeal by Ice: Ships of the Antarctic by Raymond John Howgego / 364
Cornelia Lüdecke and Colin Summerhayes, The Third Reich in Antarctica: The German Antarctic Expedition 1938-39 by Ingo Heidbrink / 366
Richard Cheek (ed.), From Guiding Lights to Beacons of Business: The Many Lives of Maine’s Lighthouses by John R. Stilgoe / 367
John Welshman, Titanic: The Last Night of A Small Town and John Lang, Titanic: A Fresh Look at the Evidence by a Former Chief Inspector of Marine Accidents by James G. Greenlee / 369
Michael Hughes and Katherine Bosworth (eds.), Titanic Calling: Wireless Communication during the Great Disaster by Alan G. Jamieson / 372
Don Leggett and Richard Dunn (eds.), Re-inventing the Ship – Science, Technology and the Maritime World, 1800-1918 by Hugh Murphy / 373
Regina Asariotis and Hassiba Benamara (eds.), Maritime Transport and the Climate Change Challenge by René Taudal Poulsen / 375
Michael B. Miller, Europe and the Maritime World: A Twentieth-Century History by Gelina Harlaftis / 377
Stig Tenold, Martin Jes Iversen, Even Lange (eds.), Global Shipping in Small Nations: Nordic Experiences after 1960 by Michael Roe / 379
David Pinder and Brian Slack (eds.), Shipping and Ports in the Twenty-first Century by Hugo van Driel / 381
Simon Baughen, Shipping Law (5th ed.); Indira Carr, International Trade Law (4th ed.); and Indira Carr and Miriam Goldby, International Trade Law Statutes and Conventions 2011-2013 (2nd ed.) by Aldo Chircop / 383
Nong Hong, UNCLOS and Ocean Dispute Settlement: Law and Politics in the South China Sea by Ted L. McDorman / 386
Lissa K. Wadewitz, The Nature of Borders: Salmon, Boundaries, and Bandits on the Salish Sea by Dianne Newell / 388
Svein Jentoft and Arne Eide (eds.), Poverty Mosaics: Realities and Prospects in Small-Scale Fisheries by Edward H. Allison / 390
W. Jeffrey Bolster, The Mortal Sea: Fishing the Atlantic in the Age of Sail by John M. Petrillo / 391
J. Samuel Barkin and Elizabeth R. DeSombre, Saving Global Fisheries: Reducing Fishing Capacity to Promote Sustainability by Richard Apostle / 392
Alexis Catsambis, Ben Ford, and Donny L. Hamilton (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Maritime Archaeology by Hector Williams / 394
Eero Ehanti, Johanna Aartomaa, Irma Lounatvuori and Erik Tirkkonen (eds.), Lost At Sea, Rediscovered by John Ratcliffe / 396
Andrew Saint and Peter Guillery, Woolwich by Andrew Lambert / 397
Harry Smith and Maria Soledad Garcia Ferrari (eds.), Waterfront Regeneration: Experiences in City-Building by Stephen Pettit / 399
Earl F. Mulderink III, New Bedford’s Civil War by Lincoln Paine / 401
Paul Longley Arthur and Geoffrey Bolton (eds.), Voices from the West End: Stories, People and Events That Shaped Fremantle by John P. Bach / 403
R.W.H. Miller, One Firm Anchor: The Church and the Merchant Seafarer by Johnathan Thayer / 404
William Murray, The Age of Titans: The Rise and Fall of the Great Hellenistic Navies by R. Scott Moore / 406
Hugo O’Donnell (ed.), Historia Militar de España. Volumen III: Edad Moderna. Part 1. Ultrama y La Marina by Ralph Lee Woodward Jr. / 407
Elaine Murphy, The War at Sea in Ireland, 1641-1653 by Richard Harding / 409
A.B. McLeod, British Naval Captains of the Seven Years’ War: The View from the Quarterdeck by Janet Macdonald / 411
James Davey, The Transformation of British Naval Strategy: Seapower and Supply in Northern Europe, 1808-1812 by Paul Webb / 412
Chipp Reid, Intrepid Sailors: The Legacy of Preble’s Boys and the Tripoli Campaign by James C. Bradford / 414
Bruce Swanson, with Vance H. Morrison, Don H. McDowell, and Nancy N. Tomasko, A Plain Sailorman in China: The Life and Times of Cdr. I.V. Gillis, USN, 1875-1948 by Frederick S. Harrod / 416
R.A. Burt, British Battleships of World War One and Norman Friedman, British Cruisers of the Victorian Era by M. Stephen Salmon / 417
Christopher Bell, Churchill and Sea Power by Keith Neilson / 419
Francis M. Carroll, Athenia Torpedoed: The U-Boat Attack That Ignited the Battle of the Atlantic by Robert L. Davison / 421
Patrick Salmon, Deadlock and Diversion: Scandinavia in British Strategy during the Twilight War 1939-1940 by Eric C. Rust / 421
Vincent P. O’Hara, Passage Perilous: Malta and the Convoy Battles of June 1942 by Bruce Taylor / 423
Gjert Lage Dyndal, Land Based Air Power or Aircraft Carriers? A Case Study of the British Debate about Maritime Air Power in the 1960s by Douglas V. Smith / 424
James Goldrick and Jack McCaffrie, Navies of South-East Asia: A Comparative Study by Ray Snook / 426\
Peter Dutton, Robert Ross, and Øystein Tunsjø (eds.), Twenty-First Century Seapower: Cooperation and Conflict at Sea by Nicholas Tracy / 427
Robert Haywood and Roberta Spivak, Maritime Piracy by Arne Bialuschewski / 429
Michael J. Struett, Jon D. Carlson, Mark T. Nance (eds.), Maritime Piracy and the Construction of Global Governance by Brian Wilson / 430
dedicato in gran parte alla storia marittima moderna e contemporanea.
Di seguito riportiamo l'indice dei contributi:
Patrick Manning, “Global History and Maritime History” / 1
Robert Lee, “The Seafarers’ Urban World: A Critical Review” / 23
Martin Wilcox, “The ‘Poor Decayed Seamen’ of Greenwich Hospital, 1705-1763” / 65
Marta García Garralón, “The Seamen of the Indies Trade and the University of Seafarers of Seville” / 91
Helen Doe, “Power, Authority and Communications: The Role of the Master and the Managing Owner in Nineteenth-Century British Merchant Shipping” / 103
Manos Perakis, “Structural Shipping Transformation under Radical Political Changes on the Island of Crete, 1877-1913” / 127
Álvaro Aragón Ruano and Alberto Angulo Morales, “The Spanish Basque Country in Global Trade Networks in the Eighteenth Century” / 149
John Roger Owen, “‘Give Me a Light:’ The Development and Regulation of Ships’ Navigation Lights up to the Mid-1860s” / 173
Mikko Huhtamies, “The Mission: How Galley Expertise was Transferred from the Mediterranean to Eighteenth-Century Sweden” / 205
Charles H. Lagerbom, “Into the Breach: Maine-Built Ships of the Greenland Patrol” / 229
H.V. Bowen, “Introduction” / 239
Pepijn Brandon, “The Dutch Republic as a Contractor State” / 242
Stephen Conway, Richard Harding and Helen Paul, “Eighteenth-Century Britain: The Quintessential ‘Contractor State?’” / 248
A. González Encisco, R. Torres Sánchez and S. Solbes Ferri, “Eighteenth-Century Spain as a Contractor State” / 253
Joel Félix and Perrick Pourchasse, “France and the Contractor State” / 257
Maria Cristina Moreira, Margarida Vaz do Rego Machado and José Manuel Lopes Cordeiro, “The Portuguese Empire (1760-1815): The Contractor State in Peace and Wartime / 265
Roger Knight and Martin Wilcox, “The Contractor State: A Response” / 271
Janet J. Ewald; Diane Frost; Heide Gerstenberger; Heather Goodall; Tony Lane; Frances Steel; Laura Tabili; Marcel van der Linden and Matthias van Rossum, “Reviews of Gopalan Balachandran, Globalizing Labour? Indian Seafarers and World Shipping, c. 1870-1945” / 275
Gopalan Balachandran, “Globalizing Labour? Indian Seafarers and World Shipping, c. 1870-1945: A Roundtable Response” / 315
Himanshu Prabha Ray and Jean-Francois Salles (eds.), Tradition and Archaeology: Early Maritime Contacts in the Indian Ocean by Michael Pearson / 323
Radhika Seshan, Trade and Politics on the Coromandel Coast: Seventeenth and Early Eighteenth Centuries by Sebastian R. Prange / 324
Kurt Stenross, Madurese Seafarers: Prahus, Timber and Illegality on the Margins of the Indonesian State by J. Thomas Lindblad / 326
Claidhbh Ó Gibne, The Boyne Currach: From the Shadows of Newgrange by David A. Walker / 327
Edda Frankot, “Of Laws of Ships and Shipmen”: Medieval Maritime Law and Its Practice in Urban Northern Europe by Robin M. Ward / 328
Pierre Prétou and Denis Roland (eds.), Fureur et Cruauté des Capitaines en Mer by Thierry Drapeau / 330
Peter Borschberg, Hugo Grotius, the Portuguese, and Free Trade in the East Indies by Paul D. Buell / 331
Daniel Carey and Claire Jowitt (eds.), Richard Hakluyt and Travel Writing in Early Modern Europe by John C. Appleby / 333
René Tebel, Das Schiff im Kartenbild des Mittelalters und der Frühen Neuzeit. Kartographische Zeugnisse aus sieben Jahrhunderten als maritimhistorische Bildquellen by Richard W. Unger / 335
Nicole Hegener and Lars U. Scholl (eds.), Vom Anker zum Krähennest: Nautische Bildwelten von der Renaissance bis zum Zeitalter der Fotografie From the Anchor to the Crowsnest: Naval Imagery from the Renaissance to the Age of Photography by Irene B. Jacobs / 336
A.J. Hoving; Alan Lemmers (trans.), Nicolaes Witsen and Shipbuilding in the Dutch Golden Age by Ian Friel / 338
Ralph Davis, The Rise of the English Shipping Industry in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries by Christopher J. French / 340
Evan Jones, Inside the Illicit Economy: Reconstructing the Smugglers’ Trade of Sixteenth Century Bristol by Pauline Croft / 341
Karen Ordahl Kupperman, The Atlantic in World History and H.V. Bowen, Elizabeth Mancke, John G. Reid (eds.), Britain’s Oceanic Empire: Atlantic and Indian Ocean Worlds, c. 1550-1850 by Allan Dwyer / 342
Regina Grafe, Distant Tyranny: Markets, Power and Backwardness in Spain, 1650-1800 by Ernesto López Losa / 344
Niels Wiecker, Der iberische Atlantikhandel: Schiff sverkehr zwischen Spanien, Portugal und Iberoamerika, 1700-1800 by Erik Odegard / 348
Mirella Mafrici and Carmel Vassallo (eds.), Sguardi mediterranei tra Italia e Levante (XVII-XIX secolo) by Colin Heywood / 350
Andrea Mehrländer, Mit Kurs auf Charleston, S.C.: Kapitän Heinrich Wieting und die deutsche Auswanderung nach South Carolina im 19. Jahrhundert by Anton Hieke / 352
Michael Stammers, Emigrant Clippers to Australia: The Black Ball Line, Its Operation, People and Ships 1852-1871 by Adrian Jarvis / 354
Drew Keeling, The Business of Transatlantic Migration between Europe and the United States, 1900-1914. Mass Migration as a Transnational Business in Long Distance Travel by Raymond L. Cohn / 356
Pierre Camu, La Flotte Blanche: histoire de la Compagnie de Navigation du Richelieu et l’Ontario, 1845-1913 by Paul Adamthwaite / 357
Mark Denny, The Science of Navigation: From Dead Reckoning to GPS by W.F.J. Mörzer Bruyns / 359
Albrecht Sauer; Paul McColgan (trans.), Ihno Flessner (tech. advisor), Zeit Auf See: Chronometer und ihre Schöpfer. High-Tech aus drei Jahrhunderten by Alison Sandman / 360
Brian Dyde, This Glorious Profession: Vanished Times in Naval Hydrography by Bob Wilson / 362
Helmut W. Malnig, “... mit Kurs Nord!” Die Arktis-Expeditionen der k.u.k. Kriegsmarine von 1871-1892 und ihr Ausklang by Reinhard Huxmann / 363
Rorke Bryan, Ordeal by Ice: Ships of the Antarctic by Raymond John Howgego / 364
Cornelia Lüdecke and Colin Summerhayes, The Third Reich in Antarctica: The German Antarctic Expedition 1938-39 by Ingo Heidbrink / 366
Richard Cheek (ed.), From Guiding Lights to Beacons of Business: The Many Lives of Maine’s Lighthouses by John R. Stilgoe / 367
John Welshman, Titanic: The Last Night of A Small Town and John Lang, Titanic: A Fresh Look at the Evidence by a Former Chief Inspector of Marine Accidents by James G. Greenlee / 369
Michael Hughes and Katherine Bosworth (eds.), Titanic Calling: Wireless Communication during the Great Disaster by Alan G. Jamieson / 372
Don Leggett and Richard Dunn (eds.), Re-inventing the Ship – Science, Technology and the Maritime World, 1800-1918 by Hugh Murphy / 373
Regina Asariotis and Hassiba Benamara (eds.), Maritime Transport and the Climate Change Challenge by René Taudal Poulsen / 375
Michael B. Miller, Europe and the Maritime World: A Twentieth-Century History by Gelina Harlaftis / 377
Stig Tenold, Martin Jes Iversen, Even Lange (eds.), Global Shipping in Small Nations: Nordic Experiences after 1960 by Michael Roe / 379
David Pinder and Brian Slack (eds.), Shipping and Ports in the Twenty-first Century by Hugo van Driel / 381
Simon Baughen, Shipping Law (5th ed.); Indira Carr, International Trade Law (4th ed.); and Indira Carr and Miriam Goldby, International Trade Law Statutes and Conventions 2011-2013 (2nd ed.) by Aldo Chircop / 383
Nong Hong, UNCLOS and Ocean Dispute Settlement: Law and Politics in the South China Sea by Ted L. McDorman / 386
Lissa K. Wadewitz, The Nature of Borders: Salmon, Boundaries, and Bandits on the Salish Sea by Dianne Newell / 388
Svein Jentoft and Arne Eide (eds.), Poverty Mosaics: Realities and Prospects in Small-Scale Fisheries by Edward H. Allison / 390
W. Jeffrey Bolster, The Mortal Sea: Fishing the Atlantic in the Age of Sail by John M. Petrillo / 391
J. Samuel Barkin and Elizabeth R. DeSombre, Saving Global Fisheries: Reducing Fishing Capacity to Promote Sustainability by Richard Apostle / 392
Alexis Catsambis, Ben Ford, and Donny L. Hamilton (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Maritime Archaeology by Hector Williams / 394
Eero Ehanti, Johanna Aartomaa, Irma Lounatvuori and Erik Tirkkonen (eds.), Lost At Sea, Rediscovered by John Ratcliffe / 396
Andrew Saint and Peter Guillery, Woolwich by Andrew Lambert / 397
Harry Smith and Maria Soledad Garcia Ferrari (eds.), Waterfront Regeneration: Experiences in City-Building by Stephen Pettit / 399
Earl F. Mulderink III, New Bedford’s Civil War by Lincoln Paine / 401
Paul Longley Arthur and Geoffrey Bolton (eds.), Voices from the West End: Stories, People and Events That Shaped Fremantle by John P. Bach / 403
R.W.H. Miller, One Firm Anchor: The Church and the Merchant Seafarer by Johnathan Thayer / 404
William Murray, The Age of Titans: The Rise and Fall of the Great Hellenistic Navies by R. Scott Moore / 406
Hugo O’Donnell (ed.), Historia Militar de España. Volumen III: Edad Moderna. Part 1. Ultrama y La Marina by Ralph Lee Woodward Jr. / 407
Elaine Murphy, The War at Sea in Ireland, 1641-1653 by Richard Harding / 409
A.B. McLeod, British Naval Captains of the Seven Years’ War: The View from the Quarterdeck by Janet Macdonald / 411
James Davey, The Transformation of British Naval Strategy: Seapower and Supply in Northern Europe, 1808-1812 by Paul Webb / 412
Chipp Reid, Intrepid Sailors: The Legacy of Preble’s Boys and the Tripoli Campaign by James C. Bradford / 414
Bruce Swanson, with Vance H. Morrison, Don H. McDowell, and Nancy N. Tomasko, A Plain Sailorman in China: The Life and Times of Cdr. I.V. Gillis, USN, 1875-1948 by Frederick S. Harrod / 416
R.A. Burt, British Battleships of World War One and Norman Friedman, British Cruisers of the Victorian Era by M. Stephen Salmon / 417
Christopher Bell, Churchill and Sea Power by Keith Neilson / 419
Francis M. Carroll, Athenia Torpedoed: The U-Boat Attack That Ignited the Battle of the Atlantic by Robert L. Davison / 421
Patrick Salmon, Deadlock and Diversion: Scandinavia in British Strategy during the Twilight War 1939-1940 by Eric C. Rust / 421
Vincent P. O’Hara, Passage Perilous: Malta and the Convoy Battles of June 1942 by Bruce Taylor / 423
Gjert Lage Dyndal, Land Based Air Power or Aircraft Carriers? A Case Study of the British Debate about Maritime Air Power in the 1960s by Douglas V. Smith / 424
James Goldrick and Jack McCaffrie, Navies of South-East Asia: A Comparative Study by Ray Snook / 426\
Peter Dutton, Robert Ross, and Øystein Tunsjø (eds.), Twenty-First Century Seapower: Cooperation and Conflict at Sea by Nicholas Tracy / 427
Robert Haywood and Roberta Spivak, Maritime Piracy by Arne Bialuschewski / 429
Michael J. Struett, Jon D. Carlson, Mark T. Nance (eds.), Maritime Piracy and the Construction of Global Governance by Brian Wilson / 430
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